Fall In Love With Your Future Book

Break up with your blocks so you can connect with your readers.


Here at The Author Incubator, we believe that LOVE can and will change the world. Our mission is to amplify the voices of as many change-makers as we can, so our way of sharing love is through our authors’ love for their readers—because when you write a book that serves your readers, you’re sharing your message and your love at the same time.  

The starting point, and the part that aspiring writers tend to get hung up on, is creating a message that YOU love. When you’ve achieved alignment with a message, focus, or book topic, the writing becomes easy and you almost can’t help but infuse it with love for its recipient. This, of course, is easier said than done and many an aspiring author spends years trying to find “the one.”  

In truth, very few of our authors came to us with a clear idea of what they write about. After years of book coaching, we’ve helped over 1,000 of these authors explore, identify, or condense, ideas that grew to become bestselling books capable of helping thousands of people—and we’d like to introduce you to a few of them so they can help YOU get clear on what you’re meant to be writing about and who you’re meant to serve.  

We recently met with 13 authors who were able to narrow down a topic and finish their books with ease and flow—in less than 90 days. You’ll also hear about how they to used those same books to build transformational author businesses that allow them continue sharing their message AND their love with the readers who need them most.  


In this FREE virtual live event, you will:

Find out exactly what it takes to go from book idea to published in just a few months.

Learn why a book that's written as a love letter to a single ideal reader ALWAYS has better results than a book that tries to help everyone.

Hear exactly what you need to do right now to get your book written and published—so you can spend 2020 using it to serve your clients  

Part 1: In Alignment with Love

Break past the blocks keeping you from writing and serving in flow.

First we met 7 authors as they released their books into the world for the first time. Just a few months ago the authors came to us with little more than a desire to help their future readers—and now, they have messages to share with the world. Find out firsthand how they got clarity on their messages and overcame the fear, excuses, and mental blocks keeping them from writing effectively and in flow.  

Maria B. Barnes Put Cancer Behind You

Tammy L. Breznitsky Your Time Is Now

Natalie Pereman Heal Your Kids Heal Your Heart

Jennifer Powter MSc Diet Disruption

Ramses Rodriguez The End of Writer's Block

Achina P. Stein DO, IFMCP What If It's Not Depression

Po-Hong Yu LAc Stop Hiding Behind Your Weight

Part 2: The Magic of Momentum 

Harness love to create a movement that feeds it back.

Next, another opportunity to connect with 6 more authors for an online panel discussion. These authors published their e-books between eight months and a year ago, and have been continuing to share their messages with readers in that time. We celebrated the launch of their audiobooks and prepared for printed copies of their books to arrive in bookstores as they told us how they’ve been using their books to build their businesses, support themselves and fund their movement, and continue sharing the love in their messages with the world. 

Denise J. Anderson Small Town Divorce

Chloe S. Cohen Stronger Together

Fiona Eckersley Fearful to Fabulous

Sameera Khan Regain Be Gone

Lisa Gay Nichols Surviving Your Out-Of-Control Teen

Suzanna Quintana You're Still That Girl

About The Author Incubator 

The Author Incubator is a magical vocational school where aspiring authors get their messages of hope, healing, or transformation into the world. Transformational entrepreneurs, life coaches, healing professionals, and movement leaders work with our expert faculty to write books that will get into the hands and hearts of the people they are on this planet to help. In just nine weeks they write their books, then they use them to drive leads for their transformational businesses, creating six-and seven-figure revenue streams that help them make the difference they want to make.  

So far over 1076 authors have worked with The Author Incubator to write over 1,000 books. These books have touched millions of lives, generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue, and made an incalculably positive impact in the world.

Fall In Love With Your Future Book

Break up with your blocks so you can connect with your readers.